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Thanks to all who attended our event on Saturday, June 8th.
We raised $650,000 for local charities!
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Phil Zehms


Help me fulPHIL some Dreams!

Hello Everybody! I’m Phil, I have been a funeral director at Terrace Park, in the Northland for 10 years and in the profession for 25. I grew up in St. Louis, where my Mom still lives. I have a great support team headed up by my amazing wife Jaymi, who is excited for me to learn some dance moves so we can cut a rug together. My family and close friends are also a huge source of encouragement.

I spend a great deal of my free time volunteering and supporting various organizations in the KC Metro. One place I have spent a lot of time in the past several years is as part of the Dream Factory Golf Committee. We raise money so families with children who have chronic, debilitating, or terminal illnesses can have incredible experiences that will last a lifetime. The Dream Factory aligns with who I am as a person and as a professional. At work, when someone’s earthly journey ends, I don’t want people to think about the suddenness, extended illness, or the struggle, rather the times they were able to share experiences with those they love—The Dream Factory creates these positive, lasting memories for families every day.

When I was asked to dance for the BMA Foundation’s Dine & Dance with the Stars to raise money for the Dream Factory. Of course, I said yes. If there is an opportunity for me to be on stage and to help the kids– I’m in. As you may know, the way to truly win is for me to raise money. That is where you, your friends and family come into play. Every little bit helps. I need cash donations, table sponsorships, in kind donations and auction items. I am not a great dancer with years of experience like some of the others. I am one to go for it knowing it will turn into Granted Dreams for Kids! I am proud to announce Natosha Keefer, Natoshasart.com, my dance instructor has taught me my right foot from my left… although I do forget sometimes????


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