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Thanks to all who attended our event on Saturday, June 8th.
We raised $650,000 for local charities!
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Kenn Williamson


My name is Kenn Williamson. I am from Texas but have lived in Kansas most of my life. I have worked in Real Estate and the Real Estate Finance Industry for 25+ years. Although, I believe in my former life, I may have been a professional dancer. Well…at least in my mind… (My dance partner has the patience of a saint!) So, hopefully ‘I’m Still Standing’ at the end of night! A BIG GIANT tip of the hat to Whitney Shae!! Without her help and guidance, all of you would have had to endure an eighties’ robot dance. When Charlie’s House asked me if I would participate in this year’s Dine & Dance Event, I could not say no. Do not get me wrong, I was nervous thinking about getting on stage, but I agreed. Because I wanted to help in any way I could. One of the things that I absolutely love about working in Real Estate is helping families find their perfect home. And ‘perfect’ is relative to each family. When I can help families with young children find ‘that one special home’ it is a good feeling. Charlie’s House taught me to empower them to think about the opportunities to improve their children’s safety in the home, and that is a great feeling! It made sense for me to do what I could to help raise money for Charlie’s House. In my free time, I enjoy golfing, riding motorcycles, traveling, cooking, and spending time with my wife, Kelley, and our two rescue Pitties Loki and Finley… (rescues are the best)! In closing, your gifts and support ensure places like Charlie’s House can continue their mission to prevent accidents and injuries to children in and around the home. Please take a moment and vote for your favorite dancer (even if it is not me) and/or come and watch the event live. I promise you an amazing evening!


” Every little action of the common day, makes or unmakes character….”


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