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Thanks to all who attended our event on Saturday, June 8th.
We raised $650,000 for local charities!
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Vanessa Cobb


Vanessa Cobb’s life, like many, has been full of challenges and diverse experiences, reflecting a journey that spans various corners of the globe. Born into a life of constant movement, Vanessa’s childhood was an adventure that took her and her family from the tropical island of Guam to the Alaskan tundra, the picturesque State of Maine, the hills of West Virginia, and the historic State of Maryland. Amidst this whirlwind of locations, Vanessa’s family eventually settled in the heart of the Midwest, in the sunflower plains of Kansas. Her academic pursuits led her to the University of Kansas, where she embraced the vibrant college life and forged lasting friendships, including last year’s Dine and Dance star, Ryan Anderson. Vanessa’s warm and fun-loving nature ensured that wherever she went, she accumulated a diverse and supportive group of friends. Upon graduating, Vanessa embarked on a professional journey which eventually landed her in a career she has dedicated the last decade to, with the largest quarrier and fabricator of limestone in North America. Her passion, dedication, commitment to excellence and hard work have not only contributed to the success of the organization but positioned her as a key player in the industry. Beyond the confines of her professional life, Vanessa is known as a “bleeding heart,” a term affectionately bestowed upon her due to her deep empathy and compassion for others. This quality extends to her roles as a wife and mother. She found a true partner in her steadfast husband, Justin. Together, they navigate the joys and challenges of life, forming a solid foundation for their family. The couple’s greatest pride and joy comes in the form of their two energetic boys, Justus and Camron. Aged 8 and 6 respectively, these sports-loving youngsters keep Vanessa and Justin on their toes with their boundless enthusiasm and curiosity. Vanessa cherishes the moments spent cheering on the sidelines of sports fields and courts, reveling in the competition but most importantly the camaraderie of a close-knit family. Vanessa’s commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond her immediate circle. She is drawn to participate in charitable endeavors, and it is no surprise KidsTLC, and the BMA Foundation were laid in her path. Her passion for dancing and competition aligns with her desire to contribute to causes where she can use her talents to raise funds and awareness for organizations, like KidsTLC, that are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children. Vanessa Cobb’s story is one of resilience, adaptability, heartfelt commitment to family and community and the enduring power of love and connection. As she continues to navigate the demands of her professional life and embrace the ever-changing landscape of parenthood, Vanessa remains a beacon of positivity and compassion who finds strength in diversity and pure joy in the simple pleasures of family and friendship.

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